Sunday, February 28, 2010

Look for upcoming events here and in the Wincrest Whistle future editions to include:
1. St. Patrick’s Day get together & Shamrock Pin making
2. scrapbooking
3. Easter Egg Hunt
4. planting of the pansies (where we all come out to help those who would love flowers, but cannot either afford them or physically plant them).
5. community Yard Sale
6. monthly Movie Night
7. Memorial Day Event.


  1. I am anxious to hear about the upcoming events. The community Yard sale cannot happen soon enough for us!!!!

  2. Hello Jodi & Richard! The weather is getting warmer and it is time for some fun things to do in Wincrest! Community yard sale is an awesome idea. Perhaps Wincrest folks should use this time to do their cleaning and get stuff ready for a huge sale! No dates are scheduled at this point, so stay tuned to the blog for further info. Look for “Movie under the Stars” to start again soon. Lastly, if you (or anyone else) have any ideas for events, post them on the blog and then we can get a few people together to organize it. The more residence who get involved, the better this place is to live! Thanks again!
